The Bangsamoro Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (BTWPB) held its 3rd meeting
April 21, 2022 - The Bangsamoro Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (BTWPB) held its 3rd meeting at D & M Restaurant, Cotabato City. The Board exhaustedly deliberated the issue on how the Bangsamoro Government can lend support to affected labor force of various private establishments amid surging prices of oil
The Bureau Directors, Heads of Divisions and Offices and employees of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MOLE) participated in the MOLE Planning and Budgeting Workshop for F.Y. 2023 Bangsamoro Budget Proposal
The Bureau Directors, Heads of Divisions and Offices and employees of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MOLE) participated in the MOLE Planning and Budgeting Workshop for F.Y. 2023 Bangsamoro Budget Proposal. This is a three-day activity—from April 18 to 20, 2022—in Cotabato City. The Ministry, through this workshop, prepares
The Ministry of Labor and Employment (MOLE), under the leadership of Minister Muslimin G. Sema, held its first Expanded Executive Committee Meeting for Budget Preparation F.Y. 2023.
The Ministry of Labor and Employment (MOLE), under the leadership of Minister Muslimin G. Sema, held its first Expanded Executive Committee Meeting for Budget Preparation F.Y. 2023 on April 13, 2022 in Cotabato City. All MOLE Bureau Directors, Heads of Divisions and Offices and other staff took part in the
UNDP turnover of ICT equipment to MOLE
UNDP turnover of ICT equipment to MOLE April 6, 2022 - To support and develop digital operations and management system, the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MOLE) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) ink Memorandum of Agreement to strengthen partnership towards the advancement of the employees and Bangsamoro people. Held at
BARMM Chief Minister Ahod B. Ebrahim officially designates MNLF Chairman and former Cotabato City Mayor Muslimin G. Sema as the new Minister of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MOLE) on March 8, 2022.Congratulations and welcome to MOLE, Minister Mus Sema!The MOLE family would also like to express their deepest